Friday, 7 October 2016

Photoshop intro

without image adjustment
with image adjustments

Description: I used Photoshop and used the lasso tool to outlines the pictures I wanted, then I made the sides more smooth so it wouldn't look rough on the edges. After that I copied them in to the iron man suit and resized them.


  1. Blog Header Image:
    4/6 marks - 3 images minimum
    0/2 marks - Text included as part of the header image
    0/2 marks - 1 Image Adjustment minimum

    Blog Post:
    5/5 marks - original images posted
    5/5 marks - blog post detailing your process

    Total: 14/20 marks

  2. Please change your blog comment moderation settings so comments only appear if you approve them. Let me know if you're not sure how to do that. Thanks.
