Monday, 29 May 2017

GameMaker - Asteroids - Part 1

Asteroids Game
What difficulties did you have? How did you solve them?
I had difficulties on making the ship change colour when firing. I went through the code that is given to you, then I made it work.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Indie Game: The Movie

1. What are some of the differences between "big games" and "independent games" in terms of style/concepts and how they are made?
Big games has a lot of detail added in the game and more work done to it, since there's a lot of people working on one game, However, independent games have less detail on the graphics.

2. What are some of the difficulties the developers in the film have to overcome?

They had budget problems while making the game. Also, they had to go through the depressing feeling of working for hours behind a screen.

3. What do you think is attractive about developing an indie game? What do you think you would like about working on an indie game? What do you think you might not like?

I find developing an indie game attractive by the style of their artwork. What i would like to work on an indie game is probably doing the background and the character models. What I don't like is to code the games.

4. What is some advice you might have for someone trying to create their own game based on what you learned in the film?
Work until you think you have enough money to make the game. So, you wouldn't be pressured on publishing it, due to your low budget.

5. What is the best part of completing the creation of a game for the developers?
Probably, a good feedback from their community.

Friday, 5 May 2017

GameMaker - Catch The Clown

Download Catch the clown here!!!!
What difficulties did you have?
I had difficulties on navigating through on the HUD of Gamemaker
How did you solve them specifically?
I solved it by examining it thoroughly

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Term 2 Self-Assessment

Term 2 Interim Self-Assessment
First Name, Last Initial: Kester C
Block: 2
Grade Level: 11

1. Give yourself a mark out of 5 for each of the following: 
a.    5/5    Attendance (consistent attendance, on time to class)
b.    5/5    Achievement (assignments completed and posted)
c.    5/5    Attitude (positive, cooperative) 
d.    3.5/5    Effort (uses class time wisely, consistent effort in all aspects of class work)

2. Please list two specific (with examples) skills or concepts you have learned so far this term:
  • I can: Make a racing game in scratch
  • I can: Make a mushroom model

3. Please list one specific (with example) topic or skill you are going to work towards improving in Term 2:
  • I will work to improve: working quicker and better
  • How you will improve this: by focusing more on the work

 4. Any additional comments you would like your teacher or parents/guardians to know:

Blender - Mushroom

Mushroom Link

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Scratch Level 2- Racing Game

What difficulties did you have with programming this game? How did you fix them? Be specific.One of the difficulties I had programming this game is setting the high score. I fixed it by turning on the slider.

What changes to the tutorial game did you add? Why and how?Instead of a circle track i made it to an eight looking track. I made it like that, so you have more action on pressing the A and the D key.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017
