Monday, 12 December 2016

Kodu Pac-Man

Pacman Code
Part 2
Ghost code

1.How close is your game to the original? What is different? What is the same?
I would rate 6/10 on how close my game to the original. The differences are that one of the power ups make you jump high and that there's more ghost. The similarities are that there's apples and pacman is faster than the ghost.
2.What extra or creative details did you change or add to your version of the game? Why did you create these changes?
I added the blue apple, but when you eat it kodu says "I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa". I added it because I find it funny
3.What difficulties did you have? How did you fix this?
I had difficulties on making the map. I fixed it by actually counting the pixels and not estimating. 
4.What feedback did your beta testers have for you and how did you implement their suggestions?
One of my beta testers say that I should make the jump higher. I implemented their suggestions by adding high on the code
5.What would you improve with your game? What would be the next steps with your game?
I would improve the path for the bots. I would make the map bigger.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Video Games: The Movie

1. What are some of the reasons video games were successful? What makes a game popular?      
 Some of the reasons that make video games successful are the story line, easy to control but hard to master, and the different style that you can finish the game. A game gets popular if it has a trailer that hooks people to play it. Also, if it has a multiplayer, so you can play with your friends.

2. What are some of the reasons why the video game industry crashed in the 1980s?
The video game industry crashed because the company kept of making new games that were not well made.
3. Do you think video games are a form of art? Why or why not?
In my opinion, games are a form of art because you need to draw a character, background and the materials that goes in the game. Also, the purpose of art is to show emotions and the mood to the person.

4. What is the next evolution in video games? What are the challenges that need to be solved in the next generation of games?
The next evolution would be virtual reality. They need to solve how to move without using V.R. sticks.

Thursday, 10 November 2016


Player Kodu

Bot Kodu

1. Did you have any difficulties with your programming? What was the issue? How did you solve it?
Yes, the issue was the phase of the game was too slow. I solved it by programming them to be fast and quick.
2. Did the student who played your game have any suggestions for your game that you implemented?
Daemon, the student who tested my game thinks that my game is pretty good.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Animated Pixel Art

                                                       The U.S.S. Enterprise

Friday, 4 November 2016


                                                                  The U.S.S Kesterprise

Friday, 7 October 2016

Photoshop intro

without image adjustment
with image adjustments

Description: I used Photoshop and used the lasso tool to outlines the pictures I wanted, then I made the sides more smooth so it wouldn't look rough on the edges. After that I copied them in to the iron man suit and resized them.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Game Analysis

Tank Trouble: Fun game with 2 other people playing with you.

Be gone: Free CSGO game for poor people. Good game when you are bored

Friday, 9 September 2016

About me

What is your name? First name, last initial please

Kester C

What name do you prefer to be called?


What block are you in?


What grade are you in?


What is your favourite video game(s)?
Image result for league of legends logo
Which video game(s) are you currently playing?

League of Legends and CS:GO

Why did you take this class?

I took this class because i want to learn how developers design a game.

What are you hoping to learn in this class? Be specific, for example what programs or programming languages are you interested in? What about the creative side of game design?

Programming languages.

What grade are you hoping to achieve in this class?


How can you achieve this grade?

Pay attention to the teacher

What do you want or need from your teacher in this class to be successful?


What are you interested in outside of video games?
Image result for kobe bryant wallpaper
I wish my teacher knew...

I'm cool

Tell me something interesting about yourself.

I play chess